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Client shuts itself off

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Running Retrospect 6.0.193 on OSX Server 10.3.5. Client software is 6.0.108, running on 10.3.5.


I'm backing up about a dozen clients, but one of them continually turns itself off. The user is not doing this, but from time to time I'll notice that the client is not getting backed up. We'll launch the client software, and sure enough, the "off" box is checked.


Any idea why this would happen?




William Loring

The Tire Rack

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Idea One: the Retrospect Client application has been moved from its default location, and the machine has subsequently been restarted. Try running the Installer to uninstall, then re-install. You'll need to log the client in from Retrospect afterwards.


Idea Two: The machine has had an Archive and Install system install done when there was already an install of Retrospect's OS X Client software, and then the software was re-installed. In this case, the file "retroclient.state" might exist in multiple locations, causing confusion. Search for this file on all volumes mounted on this machine.



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