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fw drive not mounted at log out

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Mac OS 10.3.4, Retro 6.0193


Does file backup fine while logged into workstation, but upon log out destination FW drive is unmounted. Retro can be seen to launch behing Log in Window, but it cannot see the drive, so it quits with -43 error. This works fine in 10.2.8 with Retro 5. What has changed, and more importantly, how do I get it to work?

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Apple changed the behavior of mounted drives with Panther (10.3). They now are unmounted, as you have noticed.


There is a way to modify the system preferences to avoid it; the solution can be found on Mac OS X Hints:




There was also a discussion thread here on the Forum back in February 2004:




(although note that the Knowledge Baser article referenced seems to be rotted)



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