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Time out error -24004

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We're running Retrospect 6 on OS 10.3. I've written a script for a daily backup (recycle) every evening. I check the script and the media and get confirmation that everything is ready. However, in the morning when I check the log I get the error message "error -24004 (time limit exceeded)", as though it's waiting for a tape and can't find it. The Knowledge Base doesn't have any articles I can find dealing with this issue. Any help?

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Yes to both. The error only happens when we leave the machine untended at night.


The really odd thing is that our Friday backup (normal backup, not recycle) works just fine.


I've erased and renamed all the tapes. I've forgotten and relearned all the clients. I've verified the script. I check the script and the media before leaving for the night.

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It contacts the first client and logs in successfully. Then the script fails to execute. The exact error message is:


" Media Request timeout after waiting 00:05:00


Device trouble: "1-Backup Set Wednesday", error -24004 (time limit exceeded)."

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The error only happens when we leave the machine untended at night.



Only at night? Scheduled the script to run a few minutes in the future and then watch while Retrospect auto-launches and attempts to access the media. Does it work that way?


Although it probably won't make a difference how long Retrospect waits for media if said media is unavailable, you can increase the Media Time Out value to never time out, and then at least you'll be able to see in the morning what the Media Request window shows.


You also have not provided any specific information regarding your hardware (other then DLT); what flavor of Macintosh? What make/model of SCSI host adapter?


Are there any sort of energy saving settings anywhere?



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I tried the "time out value to never" last night. This morning, it was asking for a new blank tape (tho the tape that was in there, 1-Backup Set Thursday, was confirmed as the correct tape when I checked the script and the media before execution).


It's a Mac G4. We recently purchased a new ATTO Express PCI Pro UL4D SCSI card because our old SCSI card didn't work with a legacy device under OSX. The card solved all our access and retrieval problems except for this one.


Energy saver settings on the server or the client? The server is shut down at night and boots itself to run Retrospect. The clients are left in various states - sleep, logout and shutdown. That doesn't seem to make any difference, at least not for the Friday normal backup.


Could it be something to do with the fact that it's a recycle backup and not a normal backup?

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Could it be something to do with the fact that it's a recycle backup and not a normal backup?





Interesting that it's not until the fifth post that you reveal that you shut the machine down between the media check and the failed backup.


- Did you test the script by setting it to run a few minutes in the future and watching it auto-launch?


- How is it set to boot itself?


I'm gonna guess that the tape drive needs more time to come to life after a system start; when Retrospect is ready for a tape, the tape drive is not ready to provide it.


Try making more time between when the server auto-boots and when the Retrospect script is set to run.



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