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unable to backup to External FW drive - says is busy

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I am a brand new user trying to back up to an external Maxtor 1-touch 200 Gig Firewire drive using the latest version and driver of Retrospect 6. (Panther, G5)

I changed the preferences to allow use of the FW drive as a removeable disc as instructed, Retrospect seems to see the drive fine but when I try to use the immediate backup (as a test run) it doesn't back anything up as it sees the disc as "busy" , the disc is formated as Mac OS Extended and I also had retrospect erase the disc. I see no option to make the disc "unbusy"! Very frustrating. There is nothing on the disc except whatever files Retrospect put on it - so I don't see why it would be busy.

I can't find anything related to this in the documentation.

Thanks in advance.

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>I changed the preferences to allow use of the FW drive as a removeable disc as instructed,


Instructed where?


Do you have a need to use this external drive as a member of a Rmovable Backup Set (ie; do you intend to span your backups over multiple drives)? Any reason you don't simply create a File Backup Set on the drive and write to that, without changing the default preference in Retrospect concerning using FW drives as removable?


>Retrospect seems to see the drive fine


- Sees it where?

- What Retrospect window(s) are you referring to?


>but when I try to use the immediate backup (as a test run) it doesn't back anything up as it sees the disc as "busy" ,


- What is the exact message you're getting?

- What are the exact steps you take?



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