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Here's a real simple question.


I'm running OS 10.3.4 with four users. How do I backup the entire machine, i.e., Admin + other three users? I think I choose "Volume Selection/Local Desktop", then select "Macintosh HD." Is this correct?


I need to reinstall OS X after backing up. What files should I bring back from the archive to avoid re-corrupting the system? I plan to re-install all the apps from scratch. Obviously restore the User's "Documents" folders, music, etc. Should I re-install their Desktop folders and Libraries? Or does this risk re-introducing corruption?




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If you back up just the Users folder at the top level of your boot disk (i.e. all the users' home folders), you'll catch 99.9% of the files that can't be replaced with a reinstall. I backup that folder plus the system /Library/Preferences folder to catch all the preferences.

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