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Copy Media Set selection rules

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I have a Disk Media Set that causes Retrospect 10 to get stuck when it attempts to groom the set (411.5 Gb, 1,314,824 files). The media set is the one dedicated for the local server machine backup. It always gets stuck on the same file (happens to be a Retrospect catalog file for another media set). Verification of the Media Set shows no problem and I have done numerous Catalog rebuilds cause I have to kill the server to get un-stuck.


So this weekend I used "Copy Media Set" to a new media set, using a rule that selected all files except the RS catalog files. I tested this rule first on a regular backup, and confirmed it was indeed working to exclude the catalog files. Problem is, the catalog files still got copied over to the new media set.


So my questions to the forum is: Do rules work when doing a "Copy Media Set"?


Is there a way to expunge the problem file from the existing media set while saving all the past backup history? Or do I just archive the Media Set and start over with a new one?

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Replying to my own post... I still don't know if the selection rules work when doing a copy media set. WIll have to do some more testing.


On my problem with grooming hanging.... I tried to groom the new copied media set, and it hung after a few hours, but did not list any file in the status window in the GUI when it hung. I did note that it had updated scores of .rdb files in the media set directory for the first 2 hours of the grooming process. After three days, I stopped the hung engine and deleted the catalog file.


At this point, I upgraded to the just released 10.1.0 (221) version of the GUI and engine. Verified all my regular backups were still working. I then re-built the catalog file of the copied media set and tried to groom again. This time success! Whether I just needed to groom one more time or Retrospect fixed something in 10.1.0 (221), I'll never know. Just glad it has been resolved.

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