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Error 507 for Retrospect, No Problem for Panther...

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I just installed Retrospect Desktop 6 on an Apple PowerMac G4 1.25 GHz DP (host backup server) and the three client licenses on other PowerMacs G5’s (all with Mac OS 10.3.3). While the host computer sees the other Macs in the Retrospect Backup Clients on Network window, I am consistently unable to log into these connected computers via this route. The error “507 incorrect password” appears. However, these same Macs are immediately accessible via the Apple Network navigation window with the EXACT same password used in Retrospect. WTF?! Since only Retrospect version 6 has been installed, I have not removed any Library/Preference files as suggested for version 5.1.


As it is now, Retrospect Desktop is dead in the water, even before it can be used on a Network! Please tell me that there is a simple solution...



If we learn from our mistakes, then I obtained my PhD years ago,

Dr. Z. confused.gif

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