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Retro 6 and Panther

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I just upgraded to panther and installed Retrospect 6. I made new backup sets and manually backed up both of my drives to a third firewire drive. I have two scripts set to back up the two volumes every night. The problem is the automated backup doesn't work. It says it can't because the volumes are offline. This is not the case. Even if I quit Retrospect 6, it gives me an error saying the next scheduled backup can't happen because the volume is offline yet I can manually backup the volume. The erroe is -53. Energy saver is set to never sleep. What is the problem?




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The problem is the automated backup doesn't work. It says it can't because the volumes are offline



Are you logging out of the OS X Finder?


If so, the operating system has unmounted your FW drives for you. This was a feature that was added around Jaguar, I think.


A thread here on the Forum just a month ago discussed this issue:



There, you'll find a link to a Dantz knowledge base article about how to modify OS X to not unmount volumes when the user logs out of the Aqua Finder:



I'd also suggest you follow the link ther to the Mac OS X Hints articles, to get an idea why Apple decided to go this route.




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Thanks Dave but I don't log out. And it's not the firewire drive Retro can't find. That drive contains the backup sets. It can't find the two drives I want backed up. Even if I set up an automated script to back up in, say 5 minutes, it says it can't find the drives. It says they are offline and they are not. If I do an immediate backup, it works fine. I'll look at the threads. I had no such issues with Retro 4 in OS9.


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I read the two threads and they are not my problem. Those two threads talk about an-43 error or the volume that contains the backup sets. My error is -53. It can't find the internal drives that need backing up. Even if I check the scripts, when I quit retro, it give me a message that says next auto backup can't take place because the volumes that are to be backed up are offline. They clearly are not offline.


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This appears to be the problem:



-53 error between backup and compare with Mac OS X volumes

If you ever see an error -53 between backup and compare on an OS X volume, the likely cause is a bug in OS X that only shows when a volume's create date is empty or zero. We don't know how to cause this, but if a volume has no create date, OS X sometimes reports erroneous information to Retrospect about the volume, causing Retrospect to report that the volume is off line (i.e. that the volume cannot be found). The only real fix for this is to fully back up your system, and then to reformat and restore the affected volume. The reformat gives the volume a valid create date. If you do this, be sure to have two valid and complete backups of you data, as you would any time you were planning to reformat your hard disk.

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I found the problem. For some reason the volume database showed each volume twice. One active and one greyed out. Why this happened I don't know. I changed the script to point to the active volumes and to forget the inactive versions and the auto script worked.



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