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Retrospect Event Handler fills /var/log/system.log

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In order to get notified by email I installed the example Retrospect Event Handler that uses SMTP directly (via the macmail.py Python script) to deliver email. I was able to get it to work (not to quit immediately) by re-saving it with the Apple Script Editor.


It appears to run correctly - I get the notification emails - however, I observed large number of entries in the system.log being generated while Retrospect is doing the backup. I would be happy to hear whether this is expected behaviour and/or whether this can be stopped by some tweaking with my configuration.


Again, email notification works, though.




Mar 12 09:36:12 server /Applications/Retrospect 6.0/Retrospect/Contents/MacOS/AuthenticateUser.app/Contents/MacOS/../../../Retrospect: LaunchApplication(/Library/Preferences/Retrospect/Retrospect Event Handler)

Mar 12 09:53:13 server /Applications/Retrospect 6.0/Retrospect/Contents/MacOS/AuthenticateUser.app/Contents/MacOS/../../../Retrospect: LaunchApplication(/Library/Preferences/Retrospect/Retrospect Event Handler)





Rafael Kobylinski

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