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0S 10.3.2 - can't measure client backup speed - error 515 (piton protocol violation)

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HELP!!! When I try to backup OS 10.3.2 machines using backup server 5.1 (which is updated to 5.1.177 and has the latest drivers 4.3.103) on an x-serve using OS 10.2.4, I get the following message whenever it connects to and starts to scan the client - "Can't measure backup client speed, general error. Scanning incomplete, error 515 (piton protocol violation)".


I originally had installed the 5.0 client on these 10.3.2 machines and thought that might be the problem. A tech suppport guy at Dantz said he thought upgrading OS 10.2.3 machine clients to the 6.0 client from this page http://www.dantz.com/en/support/updates.dtml would hopefully solve the problem (uninstall old client, then install 6.0 client). Unfortunately the problem is still there. I have been reassured that the 6.0 client will work fine with RBS 5.1 (see http://forums.dantz.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=36264&page=3&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1) . The 6.0 client IS recognized by the 5.1 server and can be added as a client but that's as far as I get - no actual backup. I tried switching routers, hubs, subnets, cables, firewall on/off, verified the retrospect port is active on the client and that the client application is "on". But still no success - help me!!!! All other Apple OS 9 through 10.2.8 clients as well as Windows 98 through XP clients are woring fine.


I'm holding back the tears for today but by tomorrow who knows...please help.


Thanks! -mike



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piton protocol violation




- How many machines are giving you this error?

- What might they have in common, besides the version of Mac OS X?

- What are your settings for measuring backup client speed (both in the applicaiton preferences, and in the secret preferences)?


I tried switching routers, hubs, subnets, cables, firewall on/off,


This sounds as if you have a pretty complex network; can you provide some specifics?

- Can you bring one of these machines right next to the XServe and connect it directly (or at least into the same switch)?



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Hi Dave -


Thanks for your input. I will try a crossover cable connection to the server to eliminate the last possibility that it could be network-related. In the meantime - in response to your questions:

- about 6 machines (all of the 10.3.2 machines) are giving me the error out of about 100 machines total (all other OS's seem to be working)

- they all have the same university network in common and are all inside the same firewall. --As far as my settings for measuring backup client speed, I only know about one setting which I get to via "retrospect directory" -> "special" -> "option+preferences" -> "client" and the execution threshold MB/Min is currently set to "0" the problem also occurs if I raise the threshold. Where is the other setting you mentioned?

-Any more ideas?

thanks for your help!

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