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Barcode readers and v6

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I added a barcode reader and barcoded tapes but cannot read these tapes any differently than before adding the barcode reader. Is there some Retrospect setting I am overlooking? PowerMacG4 with 1.1GB RAM, ATTO UL3D card, Qualstar Tape Library System 4222, running the latest Retrospect Server software, even added the driver update recently posted.

I cannot get through the tech support phone line, perhaps somebody out there can help.


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Dantz Tech support walked me through Initialize elements in Configure->Devices. That did not work, neither did removing Retro.config from Library->Preferences->Retro, and reentering the license code and trying a scan of the Library. Still no luck.

Finally, I checked the progress of the backup late last night. It wasn't running because I hadn't moved the original Retro.config file back to Library->Prefs->Retro. The OS said 'file busy' when I tried to move it back, even without Retropsect running. After a restart, I successfully moved the Retro.config file back, and let the evening backups run. When I came in this morning the tape barcode labels were properly displayed in the Configure->devices listing.

Go Figure.-Chik

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