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Irritated at Read-Only sets

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I'm extremely irritated to find that my backup sets from 5x are read-only and unable to be converted for continued growth with 6x. This means I have to recreate four backup sets that currently use over 50 tapes, easily over $1,000. So this upgrade is costing me close to $2,000 (including the $400 upgrade costs). Am I missing something? Am I the only one not happy?

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I had the same thoughts - but then decided that maybe I could get around the problem by recreating the Catalogues of my tapes from the media - using the newer version retrospect! probably a dumb idea? in the event I have opened a can of worms - visa vie my SCSI card isn't right for the G4 that I have set up as a server!! But the idea might still be sound?

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But the idea might still be sound?





It's not just the Catalog that's different; Retrospect 6 writes data to media in a different format then previous versions of Retrospect did (and it was those versions that were limited to a terrabyte of data, and had no support for Unicode characters).


Yes, it's a drag. But a good backup strategy has you introducing new media on a regular basis, and a little planning can minimize the hurt.



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