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Retrospect 6.0 Auto Launches Twice

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Retrospect 6.0 automatically launches itself twice. There are two copies of the same application running. The installation was an upgrade from Retrospect 5.1. It's running under OS X 10.3.2. Perhaps this is better than 5.1 under Panther which often would not launch at all. smile.gif


From the log:


Retrospect version 6.0.178

automatically launched at 2/20/2004 11:00 PM


Retrospect version 6.0.178

automatically launched at 2/20/2004 11:00 PM

Retrospect Driver Update, version 5.0.105

Retrospect Driver Update, version 5.0.105


There is only one copy of RetroRun on my hard drive.


I searched the forums and FAQs and could not find an answer to this. Any help would be appreciated


Will Mayall

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There is only one copy of RetroRun on my hard drive.



But how many copies of Retrospect 6.0.178 are there on your drive?


When both are running the Dock will show two icons. Command+Click on each to reveal the original; are they the same?


RetroRun is supposed to bind itself to its parent application (the unix process is stored inside the application bundle, and is supposed to only launch the application that it traces back to its home), so of course this shouldn't happen even if you _do_ have two copies online.


Still, it's helpful to know...




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CallMeDave said:


There is only one copy of RetroRun on my hard drive.



But how many copies of Retrospect 6.0.178 are there on your drive?


When both are running the Dock will show two icons. Command+Click on each to reveal the original; are they the same?


RetroRun is supposed to bind itself to its parent application (the unix process is stored inside the application bundle, and is supposed to only launch the application that it traces back to its home), so of course this shouldn't happen even if you _do_ have two copies online.



There is only one copy on the drive. The dock and the application switcher show two copies. Revealing each copy locates the same copy on disk. I've never seen this behavior with any app and I'm not sure how to track down the cause.

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Today I went through the Preferences and changed them just to make sure that they were saved again. I just watched Retrospect launch itself and it only launched one copy. I guess it was a problem with the prefs (although that does not make much sense to me).

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The Retrospect log:


- Retrospect version 6.0.178

automatically launched at 2/23/2004 11:00 PM


- Retrospect version 6.0.178

automatically launched at 2/23/2004 11:00 PM


The above entries are right next to each other in the log. The log entries following the above have double sets of entries, one set for each copy of Retrospect that is running.


In the above case, the backup eventually failed. I suspect that the two running copies interfere with each other since they are trying to perform identical backups simultaneously.

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You'll find that you can quit the second running Retrospect and have a successful backup. I get two sometimes and it may very well have to do with the preferences. For now I quit the one that is looking at the Retrospect Directory and leave the one actually running the backup going. Just Control Click the icons to see which one is actually running the backup. Leave the one running the backup alone. Select the other one and quit. The running one is unaffected.

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