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Retro 6.0 Hanging up at Net Retry

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I just upgraded to Retro 6.0 Workgroup on a G3 running 10.2.8. For the past 2 nights Retro has been hung up on a "Net Retry" when I check on it. It doesn't go to "Network Communication Failed" and then continue with the other clients. Is there a preference that I am missing somewhere?


Thanks, Sheri

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The NetRetry hell usually happens because Retrospect is reestablishing the connection long enough to loose it again. This has sometimes been associated with problems on the Client drive, so it's worth checking that out.


The preferene you're missing was introduced to version 5.1 in the Secret Preferences window (Option+Click on the Preferences button in the Special tab).


Client->Execution performance threshold


This will check the speed of the client connection every few seconds and log an error if it drops blow the set speed. You can test it by setting it to an impossibly high value, then try a client backup.


Note that this affects all client connections, backups as well as restores.




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Hi, CallMeDave.


I posted on this subject not too long ago. I'm checking back now to see if anything has come of this issue. I did a forum search for "net retry" and I've been reading through the multiple reports of this problem and it appears there is still no known cause or solution. Now we're up to Retro 6 and it's still happening, but no one seems to know how to fix it.


Have you heard anything new on this? I'm still running into this problem with 2 particular clients. Not every night though. Just some nights. It's a pain if it happens right at the beginning of the backup because then my other 90 clients don't back up.


Those hidden preferences don't to anything to help the situation. Please tell us if there is something that is actually known to solve this issue.


Is there any way to talk to someone at Dantz who knows exactly what's going on? They don't seem to have an e-mail support option, which seems ludicrous to me in this day and age. I'm always amazed to find a company that doesn't offer (free) e-mail support.


Please help, CallMeDave. Many of us are stuck on the "net retry" error with little hope.



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Those hidden preferences don't to anything to help the situation.







Why? What is your exact situation? *




>Please tell us if there is something that is actually known to solve this issue.




If you use a Backup Server script, and Retrospect finds its communication to any one client dropping below your threshold, it will move on to the next client. What are you experiencing?




>Is there any way to talk to someone at Dantz who knows exactly what's going on?




You can call their excellent Technical Support department (wave to Natt, AmyJ and Mayoff) if you think that the program is not working as it's designe to work, or if your setup is at fault.




But you _do_ know how the program is designed to work; all that's missing is what's happeneing for you.






>They don't seem to have an e-mail support option, which seems ludicrous to me in this


>day and age. I'm always amazed to find a company that doesn't offer (free) e-mail support.




In this day of shrinking margins, higher labor costs, outsourcing to India, etc, and you're surprised a small software company would have to abandon free tech support while at the same time creating a pretty good community based support structure?




*found your post and offered a suggestion:



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