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Log Error: Ucreatefile Failed Error -1102

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I'm running Retrospect 8.2.0 (399) on a Mac OS X Server 10.6.6 (MacPro Quad-Core Xeon 2.66 GHz). Scripts make backups to a set of three 1T firewire drives, which are cycled out weekly -- they are named "TWeek1", "TWeek2", and "TWeek3". We're backing up files from the Server's Shared Items folder as well as several iMac workstations and, with backup server, several Mac laptops.


The Retrospect log file is filled with the following line:


TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, /Volumes/TWeek2/Retrospect Data, oserr 6, error -1102


which is rewritten every couple of seconds -- you can see it in the Console, too, with a Sender[PID] of com.roxio.RetroEngine[97352]. The drive TWeek3 is mounted and working fine on the Desktop. The error message isn't asking for the TWeek1 drive.


Any thoughts about how to decipher this error message?



Chip DiMarco for

SRH Consulting

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Guest Steve Maser

When you "cycle" the firewire drives, are you stopping and restarting the engine when you do this?


It seems to me like it might be looking for a drive that was mounted, "caught" by the Retrospect Engine, and then dismounted and can't be found (thus generating the error...)

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Steve --


Thanks for the suggestion. I toggled the Retro Engine off and on and the message repeated. Logged out the user, logged back in, and the message repeated. I'm not on site, but when I am or can kick users off the server, I'll see what happens on a restart.


It hasn't occurred to me to turn off the Engine when swapping the drives, but I'll try that next time too. These are all good guesses -- thanks!


When you "cycle" the firewire drives, are you stopping and restarting the engine when you do this?


It seems to me like it might be looking for a drive that was mounted, "caught" by the Retrospect Engine, and then dismounted and can't be found (thus generating the error...)

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