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Help me understand: Excluding a file from backup

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I'm trying to backup my Users and Prefs folders but OMIT my huge Parallels hard drive image on my Intel Mac. It's stored in the Library folder of the Users' folder.


Here's what I have set up in the script:


Include files matching

Selector Users Folder and Prefs (OS X)


but always exclude files matching

name exactly matches /Users/john/Library/Parallels


However, it keeps backup up the folder called Parallels. I've tried using just the name, and the path as shown. I've tried "exactly matches" as well as "contains." I need to omit this folder because every time I use Windows/Parallels, the disk image changes and needs backing up...but it's always about 4 gigabytes and with daily backups it fills up my backup drive too quickly.


What am I doing wrong? I always have trouble using "Selectors" and then excluding a folder or file.


This is running on a server using OS X 10.3.9. The Retrospect is 6.1.126. The Client machine is a Intel iMac running the latest updates.

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If "Parallels" is itself a folder (or "package" - right click on it to see), change the selector to exclude

enclosing folder path name contains /Users/john/Library/Parallels/


If "Parallels" is instead a file, change the selector to exclude

enclosing folder path name contains /Users/john/Library/

and file name exactly matches Parallels


That will do it.


Consider also running the Windows Retrospect client in Parallels, backing up your choice of files on that "client" from Retrospect on the "Mac".



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in replying. I've been out of town, plus I've been trying all the variations I can think of. But it still isn't working for me. Every night during the backup, it backs up another 4.x gigabytes of files in the Parallels folder. I've tried your instructions and just can't get it to omit that folder.

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A couple of suggestions, then.


(1) do a screen shot of your selector, matching what I suggested, post it here so we can see what you are doing.


(2) here's how to test selectors without all the pain you are enduring:


Start as if you are going to do an Immediate backup. The destination doesn't much matter because you aren't going to really do it, but choose the same selector and same source as your script does. DO NOT click the Backup button. Click the Preview button so you can see the files. If you have done it right, your Parallels stuff will not be in the list of files. Again, DO NOT click the Backup button.


And, that said, I still think the right way to do a Parallels backup is to install the Retrospect Windows client in Parallels, have it back up to Retrospect running on the Mac side. That way, you can do a usual Retrospect backup of the Windows "client", getting the changed files (not the whole mess). Just a suggestion.


Try (1) and (2) above, report your results to us. It's got to be something simple because this stuff does work. My particular observation about the difference between your original post and my suggested selector is that you started the path with "/" (from the root), whereas I gave the tail of the path. My way works even if your stuff moves onto a different volume (external disk), etc., and also it's hard to specify the full path from / for mounted volumes (e.g., network homes, etc.).


It wouldn't hurt for you also to provide the results for us of the output in Terminal of this command:

ls -ald /Users/john/Library/Parallels


This can be solved. Have faith.





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Here's a screenshot of the most recent attempt to follow your instructions.




Yes, I've thought about using Retrospect Client in Windows to backup portions of the disk image. The problem would still remain that when backing up the Mac side, it wants to backup the whole image/container of the Windows drive. That's what I'm trying to resolve. Does that make sense?

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That's a big help. Your selector DOES NOT match what I suggested (hint - you've got enclosing folder path name "exactly matches", I suggested enclosing folder path name "contains"). Please try what I suggested:



If "Parallels" is itself a folder (or "package" - right click on it to see), change the selector to exclude

enclosing folder path name contains /Users/john/Library/Parallels/



Again, I don't run Parallels, so I don't know whether you are trying to back up a file named Parallels or a folder/package named Parallels. But the above suggestion is what I suggested for a folder, which is what your different selector seems to be trying to exclude. Also, I suggested:



It wouldn't hurt for you also to provide the results for us of the output in Terminal of this command:

ls -ald /Users/john/Library/Parallels




Let us know your results, and please post the image of the selector if it still doesn't work.



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I changed to "contains" instead of matching. Sorry, I've been multi-tasking too much this week. But that didn't solve it. I've put up a temporary screen shot of the Immediate Backup preview results at: http://www.softrack.com/Results.tiff


I'm sorry, but I don't seem to know how or be able to attach a file to a forum message using Safari, just the link. But in that shot you'll see the Parallels folder and it's contents listed and marked for backup.


As for the Terminal command, I assume that needs to be on the Client machine, not the Retrospect server. If so, the result is:

drwxr-xr-x 4 john staff 136 Aug 29 17:02 /Users/john/Library/Parallels

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Ok, your terminal listing and the preview screen shot showed what I needed there - that Parallels is a folder, not a file. So we are on the right track. It also wasn't clear to me until this most recent post (with your comment about assuming that the "ls" needs to be done on the Client machine - correct) that the Parallels folder was on your client.


And, because you thankfully provided a screen shot of the Preview, I believe it's apparent what is wrong (but I still would have liked to see your selector to see EXACTLY what you changed, because I believe that your selector still doesn't match what I suggested). I've got a good idea, though, because you provided the Preview screen shot. Thanks.


If all you did was to change "enclosing folder path name exactly matches" to "enclosing folder path name contains" and didn't change the rest of your selector, that still doesn't match what I suggested. I'm going to be a bit wordy and overly-detailed here, not just to "fix" the problem, but so you can see how selectors work and why you are getting the results you are:


I suggested that your ENTIRE selector (if Parallels was a folder, as is the case) be:


enclosing folder path name contains /Users/john/Library/Parallels/


I would bet, though, based on your first selector screen shot, your recent Preview screen shot, and your comment in your most recent post:


I changed to "contains" instead of matching.


that this is ALL you did because this would give the results you show. In other words, here's what I bet you have, based on your comment and your first screen shot:


... but always exclude files matching ... or matching

enclosing folder path name contains /Users/john/Library/

and folder name exactly matches Parallels


The first line of this item catches everything within the Parallels folder (because the "enclosing folder path name" is

"/Macintosh HD/Users/john/Library/Parallels/" AND also catches everything within the winxp folder (because the "enclosing folder path name" is

"/Macintosh HD/Users/john/Library/Parallels/winxp/".


But the "and folder name exactly matches Parallels" doesn't match files within the winxp folder, which is why they are getting backed up. Note that the ".DS_Store" file within the Parallels folder is not being marked - it matches your compound selector item for exclusion, but the files within the winxp folder are being marked because they don't match your compound selector item for exclusion. Selectors are very powerful, but they have to be right.


Again, change the selector to EXACTLY what I originally suggested, no more, no less, and I believe that it will work. If you post again and it doesn't work, PLEASE post a screen shot OF THE SELECTOR, not just your description of what you have done, so we can be sure.


As a comment, the reason I suggested


enclosing folder path name contains /Users/john/Library/Parallels/


was so that the selector still works months in the future when you rename your boot disk from "Macintosh HD" or if your Parallels stuff started to get so big that you put your home directory on an external volume, or even if you used a networked automounted portable home directory on an Xserve that followed you around from machine to machine.


Hopefully this explains what is happening and why. Selectors are difficult to troubleshoot, but hopefully you've been given the tools and an understanding to do so. If it still doesn't work, post a screen shot of the selector AND your preview and we'll give it another shot.


Hope this helps,



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Russ, that did it! It excluded the Parallels folder! My only addition to the selector is now "enclosing folder path name contains Users/john/Library/Parallels/"


Your detailed explanation in the last message is what made it click for me. I'm sorry I was being so dense and not seeing the nuances of your instructions. But apparently I was following the instructions for a FILE called Parallels, not a folder. I really thought I had tried what you instructed me to do and in fact tried all the permutations I could think of when it didn't work. But this last tweak did it.


Part of what had me confused was that I thought the part about "and folder name exactly matches Parallels" was excluding the FOLDER and all of it's contents. But I see now, what we're trying to do is match only FILES by designating what folder they are in. If I'm understanding this right, Retrospect doesn't think in terms of excluding folders, but what files are in a designated folder description (path). I'm not sure I'm describing that correctly, but it does seem to make more sense to me now.


Thank you so much for your patience and persistance in helping me to solve this!



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Part of what had me confused was that I thought the part about "and folder name exactly matches Parallels" was excluding the FOLDER and all of it's contents. But I see now, what we're trying to do is match only FILES by designating what folder they are in. If I'm understanding this right, Retrospect doesn't think in terms of excluding folders, but what files are in a designated folder description (path).


Well, the selector does say:


... but always exclude
matching ...


You might want to carefully read pages 177-187 ("Using Selectors") of the Retrospect User's Guide. It gives a pretty detailed description of how everything works.


Note that, since this is a selector that is operating on networked backups, it will apply to all clients in the script using that selector. If you only want to exclude the Parallels folder on a particular client (your Mac), or if you want to exclude the Parallels folders on other clients (other users) you might want to add a client condition to this selector item. See the Retrospect User's Guide for details.


Glad you got it working.



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