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Retrospect Express 7.5.252 Engine error - application crashes during backup


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I have a customer who has a Windows XP SP2 system running Norton Internet Security and the hard drive is formated with FAT32. The system's local drive has 6.3 GB free space with 256 MB RAM. Thjis is a new install trying to backup to USB Iomega's REV drive, the software came with the drive. All current Retrospect updates have been applied.


This issue is that sometime during the scheduled backup during the night Restrospect will become non-responsive and crash the system, sometimes resulting in the customer having to force power off the computer. The only message I get is in the Activity Monitor Events indicating an Engine Error. There is no error code. The Event states "Execution terminated unexpectedly, possibly due to a power failure or system crash.


I verifed that all power saving options are disabled. Don't know what the problem is but I'm about ready to install another vendor's backup software.


Any help is appreciated

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I had the same thing happen to me last night/this morning. I was backing up my "archive" Drive F to a Western Digital My Book Premium Edition last night and it stopped everything cold. No cursor, no nothing. I had to do a Force Power Off this morning, it was supposed to run over night but froze around 12:30am cdt. The Error Logs are less than helpful. This morning I backed up C Drive to a WD My Book Pro and had about 300 errors. The most common is Error 1103 Write Protected. I reformated both from Fat32 to NTFS with no problems yesterday. I will also be looking at other vendors products. It's is a good thing the RE software came as OEM cuz I wouldn't give EMC a plugged nickle for it.

I just uninstalled RE including hunting down every folder and deleting it. No tech support on weekends is crappy customer service.


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