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Space lost due to Unrecovered Restore Points


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I have a 200GB Maxtor One Touch II drive connected to my system which is running Win XP Home. Retrospect Express (version 1.1.126 according to the About box) came with the Maxtor drive. No problem until all of the 140 or so Restore Points vanished (possibly due to a power failure during a backup). I found from Maxtor's site that I should delete RestorePoint.rbc aand let the catalog regenerate itself. I did this but only 38 of the 140 or so points were recovered. I do not need the missing 100 restore points. The problem is that the data for them appears to be still on the Maxtor drive, taking up a lot of space. How can I recover this space without formatting the drive (and losing the 38 points I do have)? I am backing up two partitions, which I assume is why I have a RestorePoint2.rbc and a RestorePoint3.rbc file as well as a plain RestorePoint.rbc file. I temporarily tried renaming the first two as well as the last, but this made things worse.

Normally retrospect deletes old restore points as a disk gets full, but I doubt it can delete data it apparently doesn't know about, so just waiting it out isn't promising.

TIA for any help

Walter K.

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