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7.0.326 will not back up system drive (C): error -1106 (media blank)


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Windows XP SP2 system C drive will not back up, Retrospect returns error -1106 (media blank). All other drives (data) back up properly. This has been happening every night during auto backup since 7/13 when backup logged several thousand -1101 errors on C drive during compare after backup.


For diagnostic purposes I created a backup script that backs up only the C drive. During execution, Event Viewer Application log shows informational messages stating "Retrospect configuration completed successfully" (11728), several of "CI has started for catalog. . ." (4137), then "Retrospect failed . . . " (1106). Nothing special here? Repairing the program with the Retrospect install repair option did not help. Updating to driver did not help. Stripping out options on this diagnostic backup, including just about everything, did not help.


I back up to an external USB drive. Backing up to a DVD had same problem. Windows XP is close to up to date with the Microsoft updates. No other application is loaded or running.


Can you help?


Dave D

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Problem solved...


Windows Event ID 51 Paging Errors were occurring at the same time as the -1106 errors. These errors were happening during the Retrospect scan and were canceling the scan, resulting in zero files in the scan count, hence the "media blank" problem. Turns out the paging errors are not necessarily related to the pagefile (which is on another disk on my system), so I didn't pay much attention to them. But Microsoft article ID 244780 states: "However, the computer may log this event message [Event ID 51] when it loads images from a storage device, reads and writes to locally mapped files or to any file (as long as it is buffered I/O)." It turned out to be index errors on drive C. Scandisk fixed the problem and it is now backing up properly.


This is my first exposure to EMC support as a licensed user. There are a couple problems with this. 1) It appears that there is no EMC Retrospect support unless you purchase a support contract. Am I wrong? Did I miss something? Is this forum officially supported and responded to by EMC Support? Almost every application I use, even the nearly freebees, provides at least email support as part of the vendor's basic commitment to its product. 2) EMC Retrospect should pay more attention to errors and provide more robust support in the code to handle them. This problem dropped me into a black hole, with no way out but hours of work on my part.


Cheers, Dave D

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