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find files giving odd results

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Perhaps someone can explain why this is happening, but it seems quite puzzling.


I currently use retrospect 7.5.251 to do backups to disk for several Macs, PCs and Servers(mixed). I currently use a seperate disk for each group for redundancy/speed purposes. Every machine is proactilvy backed up every day. I then have a "transfer most recent snapshot" script that copies all three disks to and new tape set each friday for my offsites. Then on saterdays each disk is groomed for the 10 most recent backups. This seems to be the ideal d2d2t solution.


Although as most users do they delete something that they need...


I attempted to use the "find files" restore method to find a single file that the user needed. Although the file wasn't found. After asking the user numerus times if they were sure about the name of the file I decided to do a search for all files on that clients computer and showed the listing to the user of ~20k files. At that point the user notice that the path in question existed in retrospect but numerus other files in it also didn't appear. Even though most of those files still existed on the users machine (for weeks).


In a last attempt to find the file I attemped a regular restore from snapshot by selecting the files. This did show all the files (~40k) and was able to restore the required file.


So finaly getting to the question, how can this be so different? Also doing the searchs based on the weekly tapes instead of the disks gives the same results. But the number of files found using the "find files" changes, snapshot based doesn't.


even scarier is that these same results happen for every other client I've tested.


Any thoughts?

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