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Retrospect Express HD causes 100% CPU useage


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I am running a Dell Dimension 4100 with an Intel Pentioum III 1Gig CPU, and 512 Megs of RAM.

O/S is Windows 2000 Professional.

Maxtor One Touch II, V 250Gig connected via USB 2.

Retrospect Express HD, V


The Expresss HD was set to do automatic backups at the same time every day. Sometimes it will backup automatically, but most days it will not. When it does not, it will not backup automatically when the computer is turned on the next day either. It will always respond to a manual backu, and most times I get a green-dot backp.


Now it has developed another problem: When I get a backup (either manual or automatic) the backup is good, but the CPU runs non-stop at 100%. The only known way to stop it is to power down the computer and then restart it. I have Googled this problem, and it appears to be quite common, but no solutions have been found to work.


Any help would be much appreciated.




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