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Archive restore points to CD/DVD


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I want to archive selected restore points to CD or DVD to make room on the backup drive. It appears that I would have to delete the restore points from within the Restrospect software once they are safely on CD. Is that correct?


If I need to restore from one of the archived restore points later on, do I just copy it back to the backup drive?


Thank you.


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Hello JerryECO


Assuming you are you Express HD, there isn't a a way to copy specific restore points to a CD/DVD because HD spreads out restore points across many .rdb files.


You can copy ALL the .rdb files to a DVD but this would probably take numerous DVD's.


I think you need to delete some old restore points or get a larger external drive.


Also make sure that you have the most recent update for express HD. Clisk the link below to update to Express HD 1.1.127






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