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back up not opening


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I hope someone can help me how to open a backed up folder to see what it contains. Folders look like this:'AAooooooo2.rdb Retrospect Disk back up Set 614,408 KB' and when I tried to open or explore it, it brings up the Retrospect window with options to back up but not how to open or view what is already on the Maxtor external drive.



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So it looks like you are storing backups on your internal drive. How much free space do you have left on your C:, if it is almost full from storing your backups, retrospect will ask you to select another disk that has free space to store your backups. You may need to configure retrospect to not backup to your C:.




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Go to configure>backupsets, highlight your backup, select properties, click on the members tab, highlight the member on local disk C:, select properties, put a check mark in the box that says this member is lost or damaged, clcik ok. Makesure in the members tab you have the maxtor drive selected as a member, if you don't you will have to select add and choose the maxtor drive. Then if you choose you can delete the backup from you C:, by going to C: and deleting the retrospect folder.



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In reference to the one touch button-some people reccomend using it some people don't, it's about your personal preference if you desire to use it or not. Some people don't want to set it up because they are afraid it might accidently gets pushed when there not ready to do a backup(maybe paranoid a little)and they don't want to take that chance, some people love to to use it for it's convenience. If you need help configuring your maxtor onetouch button you can see the link below and navigate to external drive answers link, or you can call maxtor 800 262 9867.





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