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Migrating backup set to different computer


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Currently I'm running Retrospect 7 with 3 sets of scheduled backups to DVDs. Basically, each set is for a different harddrrive.


Now I'm about to upgrade the server hardware and will do some changes in the arrangement of the harddisks. This means that some data that were previously on separate drives will now be on the same drive, obviously bigger drive.


What are my options to set up Retrospect to recognize the locations of the data in the new server? Of course, the goal is not to have to redo the backups, but to just continued it. Thanks for any advice.

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I see a couple options:


Partition the new drive to mirror the old hard drives. Define each partition as a volume, use the volumes as the new souces for the backup sets.


Another is to create folders on the new drive that contain data from the old drives, use these folders as the new sources for the backup sets.

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Partitioning is not an option at this point.




For your second suggestion, are you sure this will work? If I have the source on the old drive (D:) at D:\Data and I move all that data to the new drive (E:) and set the source as E:\Data, then will retrospect know that it is the same data and continue the backup where it last left off?




Can some other expert confirm that this will work because I don't believe it will? I think Retrospect will treat the new drive E:\Data as a new source and redo the entire backup again.

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