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Unable to restore after re-install


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I had a full backup created of C: drive with the backup set stored on the external Maxtor Onetouch II drive. Sometime later, Retrospect Express started behaving weirdly which, I don't remember now. Hence, I re-installed Retrspect Express HD. I have just one backup set which I'd created few days after buying the maxtor drive which means, I have one restore point and one only. Recently, I created/resized/deleted partitions on Maxtor drive yet, maintained the backup set. So as to allow for this resizing/deleting of partitions, I moved the back up set around from one partition to another. The drive letter where the back up set resides now is, not the same as what it was when the backup set was cerated.




That said, now, I can't get Retrospect to list the restore points. I would like to know how I can recreate the catalog and point Retrospect to the folder where the back up set is stored and thus get it recognized as a valid restore point.




Retrospect when launched takes a long time to display and clicking on the setup, backup or restore point does nothing at all. I've tried reinstalling many a times. Hitting the Onetouch button on the drive has no effect either.




Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.





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