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Do I need To Upgrade to Professional Version.?


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I have a desktop unit.

No Network.

Windows XP Pro

Local HD with 2 partitions (C: & D:).

A 160GB Acomdata Backup disk (which Retrospect 6.5.350 came with). It is partitioned into logical drives G: & H:.


I use the retrospect, once a month to backup my windowes Drive C: onto Drive G:. And automatic daily Duplicate my Data from Drive D: onto H:.


My question is, do I need to upgrade to the 7.5 Professional.


Considering that, Retrospect s/w is not the most intuitive package to work with. I prefer to keep the whole process as simple and straight forward as possible. I would appreciate input from those of you whom had migrated from the Express to the Professional version.



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I've been using Retro for both disaster recovery and for data backup since 5.6.

My opinion is that, if 6.5 is running well, doing what you need, there's no need to upgrade.

The only reason I upgraded from 6.5 to 7.0 was 7.0 fixed a problem I was having with Disaster Recovery.


As always, though, make sure you test to insure your disaster recovery actually works.



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