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Disaster recovery problem


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Just lost my HD with much important data. Replaced HD and am reinstalling files. I have a partial backup (data only) on an external drive, created with Retrospect Express HD. I can see individual components of the backup set, but nothing that looks like a catalog or snapshot. File names are sequential Retrospect codes. When I try to create a new catalog, these older files do not appear. I tried to follow directions in the EMC disaster recovery tutorial, but they aren't talking about the same menus that seem to be available to me. Can anyone steer me in the right direction?


I would really appreciate some guidance.






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After talking with Tech Support, I learned that Retrospect Express HD has a conflict with dual monitor systems that leaves part of the window area blacked out. Also, RE HD has been simplified, removing much of the non-routine flexibility of v. 6 in favor of a streamlined interface. Is this a move in the right direction? Who knows. Not for me. I removed HD, reinstalled 6 from an earlier Maxtor and have had no problems.



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