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Total novice queries

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I set up Retrospect to run an automatic weekly backup. After returning from a vacation, instead of the short (may I use commonsense terms?) backup, it appeared to start from scratch and ran all night. What happened?


I tried using Retrospect "Help" from the menu, but nothing appears? Why not?


What I would dearly love is to be able to create a backup that matched my Hard Drive (I'm backing up to an external hard drive), so I could find individual files; I find it nearly impossible to see what (or if) I've backed up under the automatic system. I think this might work with "Duplicate" instead of "Backup." If so, should I continue the automatic backup and do a duplicate as well (I think I have enough space)? What I'm tempted to do is just drag the folders I want to back up to the external hard drive icon; would this work?


If I want to create more space on my computer, could I drag just my "Movies" folder (for instance) to the external drive and then delete it from my computer's hard drive? How risky would this be?

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