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Verify after error


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Greetings from a newbie--


I have a problem that I hope someone can help me with. I recently upped to 4.3 on my Mac. I am a long time user of Retro, but I decided to change lots of stuff, soooo...I switched to CDs from DATs, got a new faster burner (Yamaha 2100 in firewire enclosure), and started using an external FW hard drive to move files from the graphics system to the machine doing the backups. The tests went well, and a few real BUs went well. A few have had device errors, but running the backup again picked up the files missed on the first try. The last BU had some unreported error occur after about 12 Gigs had gone through fine. The machine was unresponsive, no 206 or anything, just unresponsive. I gave it time to snap out of its crisis, about 30 minutes, but no activity and still no response. I killed the power to the CD, figuring I had a bad disk. Immediate response to the loss of the burner, when I switched it on I regained response, although I was unable to resume the backup, Retro did not see the burner. I stopped the backup. When I re-ran the backup Retro knew where to start and what had not been backup up, but it did not verify the first 12 gigs, only the last 6. Is there a question here? Oh, yes- can I get it to verify the first ab-ended BU?. Second question-is this typical of FW-CD backups? So far it's a poor batting average. I am able to burn data CDs with no coasters at full speed, Toast verifys fine, as does CDRscanner. Is there a size issue? I'd rather not move my SCSI burner back to the BU machine just for Retro, but errors are no fun.


Thanks in advance



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