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Windows XP SR1 doesn't recognize Retro 6.5 backup DVDs

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Running Retrospect 6.5.350 on Dell 8300 PC and Windows XP SP1.

I have two CD/DVD RW drives. Internal HP (_NEC DVD+RW ND-2100AD) and external Sony (SONY DVD RW DRU-710A USB Device). Neither drive was supported but in both cases I ran custom config under Retro and both configurations completed successfully. Both assigned drivers (taken from the Device>Config>Environment dialog box) RDI(1.56)


Using Verbatim DVD +RW I can write to and append multiple backups. I can also run 'Search' and 'Find' from within Retro and the files are 'found' and can be retrieved/restored succesfully.


HOWEVER, I cannot display folder contents for the DVDs from within windows. My Computer shows that, when the disks are loaded, the DVD drives show no size information. If I double click to access disk, Windows displays an error message stating disk is not formatted and that either the data is corrupted or the format is one unrecognized by Windows. If I use Nero Express 6 to append data, Nero says that it wants to erase the disk before adding data. If I do that, then the disk has to be 'erased' under Retro before it can be used again by Retro


Any one else experiencing this problem?

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