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CPU usage at 25% for Retrospect.exe

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Retrospect is does not respond quickly. When I click on anything it takes a while to come up. It is backing up normally, but to make any changes is a tedius 1/2 hour project. My CPU usages shows retrocpect.exe running all the time at 25% when backing up. I have a dual P4 Xeon 2.8ghz with 2gig ram, gigabit network card. I am backing up 25 other servers to hard drive. Retrospect 7.0.265 update So taskmanger shows 4 CPU's because of the hyperthreading. This makes me think the program is only using 1/2 of 1 CPU? Even though retroepect is not responding, I can do anything else on the server with no slowdown. Other prgrams do not hang when Retrospect does. The network utilization never reaches even 50% on the gigabit network card. Any ideas? Thanks

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A couple ideas


1) On a multi-proc/core system, try changing the affinity of Retrospect to a single CPU under task manager. For some programs (and I did this recently with Retro on a dual CPU system) this seems to help since it avoids unneeded swapping between procs.


2) Before you make any changes, click the red (x) defer button at the top of the screen. Retrospect seems to be more responsive if it's not "on" even if it isn't actually running a backup (but may be polling, etc.). Make sure you turn this this defer option *off* (click defer button again) when you're done with this for backups to run again.

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