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Maxtor OneTouch - Restore to Blank Drive Problem


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I have been taking incremental backups for a while now onto the Maxtor with the supplied Retrospect 6.0 Express. This is used for a business and the hard drive failed.


So I put in a new hard drive and I loaded up the Disaster Recovery CD that was created with the Maxtor already plugged into the computer. In the BIOS, the USB HDD is enabled.


The Windows Setup starts. I select the partition on the new hard drive to install to. Then, it says Setup is Copying Files and it asks me first for restore.rbc which Im sure is the large file on the Maxtor. I can either click Enter to retry or Esc to continue. If I choose skip, then I get asked for lots of other files. This clearly isnt working.


According to the instructions, I simply put the Disaster Recovery CD in, it installs windows and then recovers the files and I cant even get it to install windows.


How can I get this sorted?



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