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Retrospect 7 - Disaster Recovery - Disaster


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Retrospect - Disk-to-Disk

Retrospect Server - Windows NT4 Server - Dual 1ghz P3, 1.5 GB RAM, IDE hard disks separately attached


Prior to upgrading my Retrospect Server to Windows 2000 ( and this will explain partly why I upgraded it), I wanted to test and 'experience' the Disaster Recovery option of Retrospect. I created a backup of my Retrospect server and created a disaster recovery iso image from the primary partition.


I then had 'a disaster' - in more ways than one...


When I create the disaster recovery ISO image, I am asked for the Windows NT4 installation CD. This is the original CD and incorporates no service packs.


It is impossible to start my current systems - either the workstation or server using 'vanilla' installations of Windows NT4 i.e. no service packs.

I had made the assumption (not unreasonably I think), that as Retrospect 7 is supported only for NT4 on service pack 6a that it would be capable of creating a disaster recovery CD incorporating the service pack somehow, or by using existing information from the installed Windows NT4 to provide an up-to-date version of Windows.


In testing, I have not found it possible to start my computer using the disaster recovery CD. I had a partial install, several blue screens and even a red screen presenting the message (my old favourite) "General Protection Fault".


This is not surprising as the majority of the hardware in my PCs requires the latest service pack for the drivers to work at all.


The disaster recovery version of NT4 that was installed was also not able to 'see' all of my hard disks, most importantly, it could not see the disk from which it was to perform recovery, though this disk was on the same controller as a disk that was visible and accessible.

Additionally - the video drivers would not work, owing to the lack of service packs, forcing me to use 640x480 resolution - an almost impossible resolution from which to run Retrospect (or any other modern application).



While I was able to upgrade this PC to Windows 2000, that is not an option for two of the (backup) clients that I am currently using.

One (the server) is running several Oracle databases, the oldest of which is unlikely to upgrade. This can not be risked as we have a customer that still requires support on this version of Oracle.

The other (workstation) has legacy Oracle software that is required for supporting the server.


I need to test this on my server eventually, and as I say above, no chance of Windows NT4 ever starting and completing an install to this system given the service packs required to allow the drivers to work.


Has anybody else had a similar problem with a resolution?





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What you're going to have to find or create is an NT4 with SP6a OS CD. There’s no way around it, at least as far as I’ve been able to determine.


All you need to do, though, is find someone who’s got an NT4 w/ SP6a OS CD, and borrow it. It will work fine as long as you know your specific license number for your NT4 sans SP6a installation. I.e., when you build the DR CD, you use your NT4 without Spa license number, not the license number from the borrowed NT4 w/ SP6a OS CD.


Hope this helps.


Best regards,



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What you're going to have to find or create is an NT4 with SP6a OS CD. There’s no way around it, at least as far as I’ve been able to determine.


All you need to do, though, is find someone who’s got an NT4 w/ SP6a OS CD, and borrow it. It will work fine as long as you know your specific license number for your NT4 sans SP6a installation. I.e., when you build the DR CD, you use your NT4 without Spa license number, not the license number from the borrowed NT4 w/ SP6a OS CD.



I'm interested in this subject as I'm considering Retospect as a backup solution for several machines in a network and some of the machines is running NTsp6 and it's doubleful whether it/they will restore from a base version of NT4, why aren't retrospect offering a PE version of some sort as Symantec do (Livestate recovery)?


I've never heard of a verion of NT with sp6 included, the highest version I've heard of in the uk is 2-3. Of course it's impossible to slipsteam the service packs into NT4. However i'd be happy to be proved wrong if anyone knows of a sp6 cd or can provide a link I, (and the o p, I think) would be happy to hear of it.


There are several ways round this problem AFAICT, however they all involve using other utilitites, Dantz is offering their products as supporting bare metal backup from NT4 out of the box, its a bit disturbing to find that apparently at least as far as this user is concerned it doesn't work.

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Thanks for you reply, but I think jasee has the right of it regarding integrated service packs




My experience and sentiments exactly


I have never seen greater than sp2 integrated with NT4, though it may exist I suppose.

I did once buy NT4 with sp4 on a separate CD.


I believe that having purchased bare metal recovery as a specific option is that it should work.

If I have to look at other vendors for solutions, then I will look at other vendors for the entire solution - including backup.


It would be a shame given that the basic backup software seems to work fine, (my difficulties with Open File Backup not withstanding), and the loss of the three weeks I have invested in trying to get it to work.

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Thanks for you reply, but I think jasee has the right of it regarding integrated service packs





I am right thanks, it's perfectly possible to create your own bootable cd using something like autostreamer which will automatically add service packs and special drivers and even your own programs. But only for W2k or later. So what Danz is offering is not particularly difficult (you can do most of it manually if you really want to) BUT NOT FOR NT4.




I believe that having purchased bare metal recovery as a specific option is that it should work.

If I have to look at other vendors for solutions, then I will look at other vendors for the entire solution - including backup.




Yes, I'm getting the impression that there are too many problems or unanswered questions here. (looking at your other question, and other users unaswered questions over the year(s))


Try looking at Norton Ghost, version 10 will now do live incremental backups over the network, and their bootable cd runs a preinstall enviroment to connect to the network share so should be able to restore *any* version of NT to a local drive.

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If you try to install from the regular non-SP Windows NT installation disc, do you see the same type of errors?

Retrospect DR does have a "Full DR" mode which can be installed by cancelling the initial DR and letting the system reboot. This will essentially install the full Windows NT just as if you were installing from the Microsoft installation disc. You can then run a live restore on top of the system.


I am a little curious as to how you got your system up and running if the Microsoft Windows NT installation CD fails to work with your current hardware.


Perhaps, the machine came with an OEM install CD (which you could use for the DR ISO)?

Or did you install the hardware after NT4 had been upgraded with the service packs?


I'm not sure if the "Full DR" mode is the answer you are looking for but I hope this helps.

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I used a non-SP NT4 server CD to create the DR ISO.


As stated above - I ave rarely seen a service pack included CD, and I have never seen one for SP5 or higher.


Believe me - I would happily buy one if such a thing existed.




As you suggest - the current installs of NT4S work as a result of upgrades.


In fact, it started 'life' as a single DX4-100 cpu server with 256MB of memory about 10 years ago having moved through quite a few upgrades in that time.




I am sure if I stripped my server and put back the old adaptec 2940 cards, 1MB vga card and 3com 10/100 network card, that I could build a new install up from that.


It would rather defeat the object of having the DR add-on in the first place though.




The time involved in stripping the server, installing legacy hardware and going through the entire hardware/SP/driver upgrade process to arrive at my current configuration could easily take two days, before I could begin recovery.

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