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Large amount of files backed up from IMac

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I have just added an iMac to my backup clients. I am using Retrospect Server and Client vs 4.3. When scanning the iMac it shows 10,000 plus folders and 50,000 plus files. This is more than the TOTAL of all 10 other Mac clients that I am backing up. The iMac came with OS 9.2 and OS X. I am using 9.2 on the iMac and 9_ on all the other Macs. My question is: Is this a normal amount of folders and files for OS X or do I have a problem? Called Apple Support and they couldn't answer my question about the amount of files in OS X. I have filtered out all OS X enclosed folders and still backed up 45,470 files for the iMac alone.




Thanks for any information,





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A base installation of OS X can include 10's of thousands of files. OS X has a different file system under the hood, which is UNIX based. It is not uncommon to have 50,000 files on a dual boot (OS 9 and OS X system).

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