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Source volume in use message


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I keep getting an "IBM_PRELOAD (C:) is in use by another operation. Wait for it to be available?" message when I try an immediate backup operation. There is no other operation running, and I have rebooted the system, but this message persists. Is there any way to override this assumption/state?


The "IBM_PRELOAD (C:)" is my source volume to be backed up. I have backed this up previously without problems.


I am using Retrospect Professional version 7.0.301 with Retrospect Update version

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Would you mind pulling the Retrospect Config files and see if this still happens?


1. Close Retrospect

2. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect and move the Config70.dat and Config70.bak files to the desktop. This will revert Retrospect to it's original installation state.

3. Relaunch Retrospect and you will be asked to put in your license code again.

4. Create a new backup set and try running an immediate backup.

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