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Maxtor OneTouch II external HD backup software not working

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I have a new Dell Dimension PC running WindowsXP. With it I purchased a Maxtor OneTouch II external HD. I hooked it up and installed the Maxtor drivers and Retrospect Express software but the backup program doesn’t work. I have not been able to register the software. When I push the OneTouch button on the drive a window appears and there is a ‘setup’ button available but clicking it doesn’t do anything. I would like to backup my PC’s internal HD. How can I get the backup program to work? Thanks. I'm new here.


PS What's UBB Code and should I choose it for posting?

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I have a similar problem. I can restore. But when I click on Backup Now, nothing happens. So I guess I will try reinstalling the software . . . If that doesn't work I guess I have to erase the hard drive too and start all over again. I'd rather not, takes forever but at least I still have all the original files on my internal hard drive . . .

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Same problem as you folks using a Dell Dimension with XP SP2 and Maxtor II 300 G External HD and DANTZ Express - when I click Back up now, nothing happens. And the scheduled automatic backup does not work either. Neither the Dantz nor the Maxtor Web sites were helpful - and no support is available on the wekends. :-(

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