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Can't Install, can't uninstall v. 7.x - Internal Error 2753


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Can anyone help?


Due to USB 2.0 Seagate Travan 20 drive problem, had to uninstall Retrospect-en-7.0.265. Now when trying to reinstall:


From 7.0 CD-Rom - "a later version of 7.0 is already installed - can't continue".


From 7.0.265 Update Installer - "both 'Modify' and 'Repair' options returned an internal error 2753 - retrorun.exe" and stops. The "Remove option returns internal error 2753 - fetfwset.exe".


I have followed the manual uninstall instructions as found in the knowledge base and thought I had found all remainders of the software in order to attempt reinstall.


Anyone know this error? Anyone know the cure?


Thanks for any and all help!

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  • 7 years later...

i am now dead ion the water with no backups


i was able to do backups for all machines, except one win 7 laptop would cause Retrospect to die with

assertion failure elem.cpp-1131


when i tried to reinstall the latest version 7.7 - 620 it seemed to go fine on my xp pro x64 system that runs as the backup server.

BUT when i tried to run it, no luck

Retrospect cannot start and may need reinstallation
unable to load PCVOL.DLL error 630 ( bad program extention)


subsesquent reload and reinstall give the same result

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