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Old SCSI drives and XP


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I am reposting this from the Device forum...sorry.


I just installed Retrospect 7 on XP Home. I also added the latest drivers updates file. I did

not install the updated retrospect 7 installer off the website. I'm using NT passthrough for either

device (below). Tapes erase and label ok. Told it to use hardware compression (default for

the tape devices).


I have an old Adaptec 2940 PCI card (50 pin miniD connector) for a scsi card. It installed ok

in XP and is listed in device manager. I installed seperately:


a.)An Old Exabyte 8505 XL (14GB compressed on a tape) by itself on the bus.


and then afterwards by itself


b.) An old 4mm DAT drive 8GB compressed as far as I can tell. Comes up as a Python??

Disabled the device in device manager.



I have about 5.8Gb to backup...My C: drive..OS, MS Apps, some games, pics.


The 8mm drive wrote 2.3 Gb to a tape and asked for another; as if it was a low density 8mm.

The 4mm DAT drive wrote 3.8Gb to a tape and deemed it full; as if it was a low density 4mm

or I got no compression.


I only mention the compression capacity as information if its related. The real problem was

both these drives wrote at 23MB/min tops.. That's about 250Kb/sec. I think each drive

is capable of 1MB/sec (60MB/min) max. At this rate the backup took all night and was

not done in the morning because it prompted for another tape.


I'm getting a DLT4000 drive to get the speed up but am concerned that something is wrong and

I'm going to get the same speed (23MB/min) from that. I recall the 4mm backing up my

W98 box with Backup Exec Express (2 gb) in a couple of hours. I'm wondering if I have

something set wrong or this is as fast as Retrospect can operate these older tape drives?


Would the PCI card sharing an interrupt do this? Anyone backing up XP to an older scsi tape drive care to post their MB/min?


Thanks for any info.

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I'm replying to my own post for the forum. The lack of replies implies that not many are

using 4mm or 8mm drives. That is actually good..I could not recommend them. This despite

having lots of 8mm and 4mm tapes.


I picked up a Compaq DLT4000 cheap. I downloaded the StorageWorks software for it and

upgraded its firmware. I used a DLT IV


I disabled the driver in Device Manager and ran a Retrospect backup. It erased the tape fine;

the lights on the drive indicate 20GB+compression (the most a DLT4000 can do). NT passthru

is the connection type.


Performance was 77 MB/min to 230MB/min with an average of 115MB/min. Native speed for

the drive is 1.5MB/sec . It would seem Retrospect is within the specs of the drive then.

Anything is better the 20MB/min I got on the 4mm and 8mm.



I'm off to make a DR CD now.. At is stands I recommend a DLT drive for anyone looking for

a cheap backup device.

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I'm replying to my own post for the forum. The lack of replies implies that not many are

using 4mm or 8mm drives. That is actually good..I could not recommend them. This despite

having lots of 8mm and 4mm tapes.


I picked up a Compaq DLT4000 cheap. I downloaded the StorageWorks software for it and

upgraded its firmware. I used a DLT IV


Performance was 77 MB/min to 230MB/min with an average of 115MB/min. Native speed for

the drive is 1.5MB/sec . It would seem Retrospect is within the specs of the drive then.

Anything is better the 20MB/min I got on the 4mm and 8mm.



I'm off to make a DR CD now.. At is stands I recommend a DLT drive for anyone looking for

a cheap backup device.



How much for the DLT IV? Where? Ebay? How much for tapes?


I'm using an Exabyte 8720 drive 7/14 GB, and about 60+MB/minute. Faster is better of course, and that is why I'm asking this question.

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Yes...ebay. $12 smile.gif This was without an power supply enclosure but I had one of those.

Came with a free DLT tape in it (luckily wasn't stuck). Prices start at $1 .


That your getting 60 on your 8720 is amazing to me. I thought my 8505XL would do that

but it did not even come close. That and the density seemed to be incorrect.


A DLT4000 is the minimum needed to use DLTIV tapes.. tapes are available on ebay..

I see them online new for ~$20+ each.

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