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Run as doesn't work


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I have the most unusual problem. I've had Retrospect 6.5.350 working before, but then the hardware died (fan on HS started to slow) and I had to take the machine down. Reinstalled Retrospect (because it forgot its configuration...this was before I knew where the configuration files were) and now it doesn't auto-launch effectively.


Under Configure>Preferences>Security, I select the 'Run as specified user'. It NEVER accepts the first attempt when filling in the Username and Password. It always says that it's invalid, as if I typed the password in wrong. When I hit 'OK' again, without touching the username or password, and Retrospect accepts it. This is great...minor hiccup, but at least it takes it on the second try.


Then, if I exit Retrospect, then restart the program...everything is fine. If I do it a second time and everytime after that, it always says, "Retrospect could not be started under the specified user account (MACHINE/Username) and is running under Local System instead. This can be corrected in Configure>Preferences>Security," upon starting up. The gist of it is, the program will not backup late at night when no one is logged in. It gives me the usual complaint that there are not sufficient permissions or something. Probably having to do with the login failing. Therefore, the scripts die before starting.


I've tried reinstallation. I've even tried getting around by changing the Win2K service 'Retrospect Launcher' such that it always runs as my backup account. That doesn't work right. I have no idea what is wrong. Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for reading and taking your time.



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Actually, I already use a separate account to run (called Backup) unique to the user that was used to setup the program (Administrator).


I'm beginning to think that it's a Windows thing, because I tried installing Retrospect on another machine, just for the hell of it, and it acted exactly the same! Does anybody running Win2K Pro have this same problem? Is it even possible that a Windows Update did something crazy? I know, I know, not bloody likely.... I just can't get over the fact that I've had this thing working for 6 months, and all of sudden it decides not to.



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Make sure the Retrospect Launcher service is set back to "Local System Account." On the second computer did you set up a "Backup" account or did you use the "Administrator" account?


Does the same problem happen with both the Backup account and the Administrator account?


Make sure the "Log on to" field contains the Domain name (if applicable) or the exact computer name as listed in the System Control Panel.

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Thanks for the reply.


I set it back to Local System Account. The same problem occurs when I use Backup and when I use Administrator. On the second computer, which didn't work, I only tried it with Administrator, and when it didn't work, I got so frustrated I just called it a day. No patience for this anymore, I guess smile.gif


I haven't tried changing preferences logged in as Backup. I can try that, but I doubt that would work. I'll post again if that's the answer. The "Log on to" field does have the proper domain name. I even tried taking that out to see if it matters, ... and it does. It won't accept anything without a domain name.


I'm starting to be convinced that Dantz has it in for me. I'm going to upgrade to 7.0, and this problem is one of the reasons for doing so smile.gif Was that their plan all along?


Thanks again, for all your help!




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Just a thought... you mentioned that you are on a domain. Just to make sure we are covering all of our bases, are the accounts you are trying domain users or local users? Is the Administrator account in the Domain Admin group? How about the Backup account? Since the machine is logged onto the domain you would definitely need to use Domain, and not Local, admin privleges.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I would update this thread and maybe not visit it ever again. Thanks, Amy, for replying to me. I appreciate the help.


I had to upgrade the computer to WinXPSP2. After I did that, I installed Retrospect 6.5 and it works beautifully. I'll post if I have anymore problems, but I suspect it was an OS problem, NOT Retrospect.



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