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Export selectors causes crash


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Hi Amy,


I'm using the trial version of Retrospect 7.0 (version on Windows XP Pro.


No, not using a selector within a selector (didn't know you could do that actually).


It appears to be just this one selector list -- it has about 30 or so lines in it, but even if I delete almost all of them, it still crashes the program when I try to export it. I tried copying it to another selector name, but it crashed too. I tried copying "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\config70.dat" to another machine, and the selector came up fine when I viewed it on that machine, but it still crashed Retrospect when I tried to export it.


I called tech support, and they'd never heard of the problem. I emailed them my config70.dat and the crash report that's generated each time it crashes, and even told them the exact filename and line of code it crashed on (it's noted in the crash file), but the tech I talked to didn't sound overly concerned with it -- just said it was probably an isolated incident and that I should just recreate the selector :-(


I did recreate the list, and it did solve the problem -- we'll see as to whether or not the info I submitted to them gets converted into a program fix. Isolated or not, programs should never crash while dealing with data (especially data they created themselves), programmers should always fix crash bugs (especially when a user reports the exact line of code it crashed on), and phone agents should be a bit more energetic about passing on crash report info from customers to programmers.




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Hi Russell -


I know there were a few issues with exporting selectors that contained other selectors which were fixed, but it sounds like your issue is a bit different. That said, I'm sorry your experience with tech support was not satisfactory. If there's a reproducible problem with the software I'm sure a bug will be logged.


Take care,


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