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External Hard Drive Backup Strategy


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I recently switched from CDs to two external hard drives for backups (alternating weeks with one drive kept off-site). It is soooo much easier.


When I set up the new script with EasyScript, it scheduled only normal backups, with no new-media backups. Is that the recommended way to do backups to a hard disk--an initial full system backup followed by daily incremental backups forever?

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"an initial full system backup followed by daily incremental backups forever"


Even with a big HD, the HD will eventually runith-over. And you'll probably have more incremental backups that you really need. You should have more than one backup set in case something goes wrong with one of them. There are a lot of strategies that work and are suited to particular needs (alternating backups (daily, weekly, triple/quad, etc.), short and long-term sets, on & off-site, etc.).


You might want to look up "Recycle" for occasionally purging backup sets. And, if you're using Retrospect 7, the new "Grooming" feature (with Disk Backups) may be a way to go.

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