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USB hard drive

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I am using Retrospect 6.5.350 on win 2k with sp 4 backing up to a travan USB external 20/40 tape drive .I purchased a generic usb2. drive case and installed a seagate 160 gig drive in it .The drive appears ok in the operating system and is formatted as 2 80 gig partitions and i can access the drive no problem.Properties shows me it is using the microsoft driver ver it does not appear in retrospect devices list .

I saw in another posting -i should disable the generic driver i will trtythis- no didn't help.

The drive appears as a harddrive i.e not a usb device

Any ideas??

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I assume that the Travan tape drive appears in the Devices List? Does your DVD/CDRW appear there? Does your C: drive or any other standard HD on your machine? I don't believe a *drive* (e.g. an IDE or USB) managed by Windows will appear under the Devices tab. Just *use* the drive (navigate to it by //UNC name or drive letter) as a dest. backup.

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yeah all other devices are fine even a usb flash disk appears.I have 2 ide drives installed a cdrw and cd these all appear ecept of course i can't use the cd.

Thanks i just created a new backup and yes it gives me the option to use windows navigation to find the new drive


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