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What does one Retrospect Pro 7.0 License entitle me to?


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I downloaded the data sheet and read things carefully. Please help me understand!


The data sheet I'm reading is from www.dantz.com/docs/en_win70_home_overview.pdf


It refers to "Computers that run Retrospect" and "Other computers on your network protected by Retrospect".


Against "Other computers" it says "Protect unlimited number of desktops and notebooks", and it also says "Desktop/notebook licenses included = 2".


These statements seem to conflict with each other, since "unlimited" sounds like a larger number than "2". My guess is I'm just not reading this correctly.


I tried reading the 7.0 User Guide hoping I'd find a clarification. I'm still lost.


Here is the problem I'd like to solve.

I have a home network.

It has 3 computers on it running XP. These need to be backed up.

It also has a W2K computer which merely provides shares which are network attached. This provides lots of backup disk space for the XP systems. No other function. This is where I'd like Retrospect to back up my XP systems.


It looks like I can "run" Retrospect on one of the XP systems, and the other two can be "clients". Whatever that means.


Would someone please explain "run" and "clients" in this context, let me know if "unlimited" is actually "2" and tell me what licensing I need?





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On my copy of Retrospect 7.0, which is an upgrade from 6.0, the Licenses window lists under "Backup Clients" the bundled entitlement of a "Two-Pack", ie. two client licenses. Presumably you would have to buy 1 more to fill your requirement; or, if backing up a whole machine is not important, you could use one of the many scheduable file synchronization programs out there (try the freeware ones on nonags.com) to transfer important files to one of the machines that does have a Retrospect client license.


I don't use this client feature yet, so I can't advise you on the right strategy.



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Makes sense to me, Thanks!


I dug down into the glossary, and, paradoxically, that explains the big picture. It defines:


"backup computer

The computer on which you are using Retrospect with a backup device. In a networked environment, it is the computer used to back up client computers."



A networked Windows, UNIX, or Macintosh computer with Retrospect client software whose volumes are available for backup by the backup computer. Also see backup computer. "


So it looks like I can "run" the backups from one XP computer, backing up itself and the two clients, and do those backups to the shares on the W2K computer.


Thanks again, J

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