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No Bad Accounts: Can't access registry for error -1101 (file/directory not found)


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Error Message


Can't access registry for "S-1-5-21-1482476501-854245398-1708537768-1003",

error -1101 (file/directory not found)



I am a new user of Retrospect 6.5 and would like to use it for disaster recovery but I am getting errors during the backup related to my UserAccount and I am not sure if backups are intact and complete.


Backing up individual folders to my USB HDD drive and CDR works perfectly but when I try to do a full backup of drive C: I get the above error message and some file verify errors associated with Norton antivirus 2005 directories (mostly time differences, 1 file content difference). The backup seems to complete OK though and I haven't tried a restore.


It is a fresh XP HOME SP2 install with all updates. Retrospect 6.5 with latest update. There are no errors on the drive by chkdsk. Norton Ghost 9.0 was on the machine but it was removed because it had CD burning issues. Framework 1.1 from NG9.0 was left on the system during Retrospect install.


I have checked which user account the above error maps to and it is my active account which has full admin rights BUT it is not the admin account that shows up in Safe Mode.


I have also created a new admin account and trid running from it. Same error

Cleaned registry.... no errors Same error

Repaired Retro... caused crash

Reinstalled Retro and updated... Same error


What can I do to fix these errors? Are they a problem?



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Problem Solved:






Can't access registry for "S-1-5-21-1482476501-854245398-1708537768-500",


error -1101 (file/directory not found)






This problem is associated with having a partiall removed XP UserAccount as already noted by Nate and a Knowledge Base Article.




It also occurs with XP Home if you assign the hidden Administator account that only viewable in Safe Mode a password. Removing the password removes the above error BUT completely opens your computer to a physical attack anyone this physical access can boot to safe mode, log is as administator and remove all the passwords on the system.




I am looking into how to remove the Hidden Admin account.





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Cannot remove Hidden AdminAccount in XP without extrordinary measures.




Only Workaround for:




Can't access registry for "S-1-5-21-1482476501-854245398-XXXXX-500",


error -1101 (file/directory not found)






is to temporarily remove the password from the hidden XP Safe mode account before Retrospect backup and then adding the password back after.





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