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Newbie-Only need incremental on 1st backup

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Bear with me - never had a backup service before...


I want to perform my first immediate backup, but, since I'v stored music CD's on my hard drive, I don't see the need to include them in the 1st basic backup... How can I perform an incremental backup and be sure that I'm getting all me OS info necessary for a disaster recovery? I'm using the 30 day trial to see if Retrospect is the app for me.


Please advise... If I were to back up the 5 gigs I've used, I was going to use almost 7 or 8 CD's - most of which would have been backups of music I already have on commercial CD...


Any advice would help.


Thanks, David

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Keep you eye peeled on the thread "Backing up one drive only". I'm in the same situation as you, and asked a similar question. I was able to make a selection that applied to the first backup. The problem was the incremental isnisted on backing up everything I had excluded the first time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally got through to a Dantz techie who explained my problem. I think it's more complicated than it should be, but here it is. The simplest is to create a separate partition for your music files (e.g., D:). Then when you set up your backup, make sure the Source is C:, not My Computer. Also look at your script after it's created. I had created a backujp with D: as source and DataSet-Data as the dataset name. When I looked at the script, somehow C: had become the source.




If you can't set up a second partition, Exclude the music folder when you first define the backup. Then check your script. Make sure that in the script the music folder is excluded, too. I'm not sure why this doesn't happen automatically, but it didn't for me.




Good luck.

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