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Multiple tape cartridges


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Hello. I am new to Retrospect and I have what I hope is a simple question.


I have a small business server and I back up the data to multiple tape cartridges, for example one for Monday, another for Tuesday, etc. Therefore, how can I set up Retrospect so that I just swap the tapes without having to make changes in the software? I have version 7 and Windows Server 2000.


Thank you in advance,



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Create five separate backup sets (assuming you don't change tapes on the weekend), and create a script with five schedules each targeting one set and recurring weekly, e.g. Normal backup to Tape Set Monday runs every monday night; Normal backup to Tape Set Tuesday runs every Tuesday night, etc.


Of course, if you forget to change the tapes any day, that night's backup will either fail or still be waiting for the correct tape when you come in in the morning, depending on your preferences.

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