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7.0 hangs when trying to start


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7.0 is hanging on the screen right after the splash screen. At the bottom left corner it says 'starting'. I'm using the 'trial' version - never got to enter the trial license code.


Running Win XP SP2 with Norton AV [Corp Edition] and ZA 5.5.0062.004 Pro.


7.0 was installed over 6.5 Pro. Then tried uninstalling 7.0 and reinstalling - all the same.


No issues identified in Event Viewer - System or Application.


Any ideas?



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Yes - have tried with ZA shutdown and NAV uninstalled - no change.


Hardware: Athlon 3200, system drive on IDE 0, second hard drive on Promise IDE adapter. Liteon CDRW.


Just to confirm - Retrospect 6.5 has been running with no problems for past couple years. No recent hardware changes.



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Well, it's even worse.


Just to confirm, I installed a fresh Win XP on a different, formated drive. Sure enough, Retro 7.0 installed and worked. But, now the disaster recover disk causes a stop error just it goes to start up Windows [i.e., at the very end after loading all the drivers]


Don't know if it's related, but I'm using an OEM version of Win XP. But it works with Retro 6.5.


This is too much effort - I'm otta here.

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Just after my last note, realized that the problem with the DR disk could be from the fresh install. It was [hadn't copied all the needed files to the i386 folder].


The only thing that is still a mystery is what was causing Retro 7.0 to hang on starting in the previous XP install.

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