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Backup problem: different modify date/time error


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I recently bought a Maxtor external drive (One Touch, 200 GB). Each time I'm running Retrospect Express Backup (version 6.0.222, OEM), the operation log file indicates consistantly "different modify date/time" errors.


How can I solve this ? Thanks in advance.




Good 4u


Some additional info:


Before starting the backup, I switch off: googledesktopsearch, internet connection, zonealarm firewall, sykpe, spam inspector, antivirus

PC: Dell , Pentium 4, 3.2 Ghz, 2GB RAM, HD: 120 GB, running on WinXP, SP1, filesystem: NTFS

Maxtor file system: FAT32


Error log:


+ Retrospect Express version 6.0.222

Launched at 19.01.2005 16:33

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version 3.6.104


+ Executing Immediate Backup at 19.01.2005 16:36

To Backup Set Backup Set A...


- 19.01.2005 16:36:14: Copying Drive C (C:)

19.01.2005 16:53:34: Snapshot stored, 94.5 MB

19.01.2005 16:53:52: Comparing Drive C (C:)

File "C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\REALEVENT.EXE-072ED365.pf": different modify date/time (set: 19.01.2005 16:07:43, vol: 19.01.2005 16:38:02)

File "C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\RTHLPSVC.EXE-289FBD89.pf": different modify date/time (set: 16.01.2005 17:38:42, vol: 19.01.2005 16:37:40)

19.01.2005 16:55:10: 2 execution errors

Completed: 634 files, 749.9 MB, with 54% compression

Performance: 612.0 MB/minute (642.6 copy, 591.9 compare)

Duration: 00:18:56 (00:16:28 idle/loading/preparing)


- 19.01.2005 16:55:11: Copying C2SP (F:)

19.01.2005 16:59:24: Snapshot stored, 16.8 MB

19.01.2005 16:59:26: Comparing C2SP (F:)

19.01.2005 17:00:06: Execution completed successfully

Completed: 301 files, 614.3 MB, with 40% compression

Performance: 775.8 MB/minute (658.0 copy, 969.7 compare)

Duration: 00:04:55 (00:03:19 idle/loading/preparing)


- 19.01.2005 17:00:06: Copying Private (G:)

19.01.2005 17:13:15: Snapshot stored, 67.1 MB

19.01.2005 17:13:23: Comparing Private (G:)

19.01.2005 17:13:35: Execution completed successfully

Completed: 194 files, 140.0 MB, with 0% compression

Performance: 699.7 MB/minute (645.8 copy, 839.6 compare)

Duration: 00:13:29 (00:13:04 idle/loading/preparing)


- 19.01.2005 17:13:35: Copying BCK (H:)

19.01.2005 17:13:41: Snapshot stored, 10 KB

19.01.2005 17:13:42: Comparing BCK (H:)

19.01.2005 17:13:44: Execution completed successfully

Completed: 1 files, 28 KB, with 71% compression

Performance: 3.2 MB/minute (1.6 copy, 1.6 compare)

Duration: 00:00:08 (00:00:07 idle/loading/preparing)


19.01.2005 17:13:44: 2 execution errors

Total performance: 673.4 MB/minute with 43% compression

Total duration: 00:37:30 (00:33:02 idle/loading/preparing)

Quit at 20.01.2005 00:02


+ Retrospect Express version 6.0.222

Launched at 20.01.2005 16:39

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version 3.6.104

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