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5.6.132 Hangs on Backup


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I am using Retrospect Express 5.6.132 on my home WIndows XP Pro machine. Sometimes when I backup one of my hard drives to my Seagate STT6201U tape drive, Retrospect hangs trying to backup a file. The filename does not chamge in the backup window. When I open the Task Manager I see Retrospect using 0-7% of the CPU, so the program is doing something. The tape is not moving, and there appears to be no activity on the tape. Has anyone else experienced thiis? Is there a later version of 5.6 for WIndows? I saw a download on the Dantz web site, but there was no information as to what version was involved, so I was reluctant to run the update. TIn this state, Retrospect is only cancellable via the Task Manager, and the TM does not cancel the program completely. I can not re-start Retrospect without a reboot. Thanks.

--Barry S. Finkel finkelb@acm.org

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