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Open File Backup functionality

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I use Retrospect Backup Professional 6.5 on my home network, and Retrospect Backup Single Server 6.5.336 on my client's network. On my home network, I see the message "Preparing for Open File Backup" when Retrospect begins backup of Windows XP systems. But, on the client's network, I don't see these messages; indeed, I see messages that Retrospect is not able to backup files that are open. So, in this one regard, it seems that Professional works better than Single Server, and that I would need to purchase the Open File option to make Single Server work like Professional.


Am I looking at this correctly?




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Retrospect professional will use the built in Shadow copy API to do open file backups on a local XP machine. It won't do it on network machines though.


For single server you need the open file add on to do backup up open files however the add on covers all of the clients on the network too.



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